Kamis, 17 Agustus 2017

Kisi-Kisi UAS Bahasa inggris Semester 1 BSI



1.        A: Where do you come from?
B:  I … Thailand.
a. am from                                       d. came from

b. are from                                       e. is from
c. come from x

2.    A: is Mrs. Gray from United States?
B: No, She ........., She is from Chicago.
a. is                                       d. was not

b. was                                  e. were
c. is not x

3.    He = His
She = …
a. Him                                 d. Her x

b. Their                                e. My
c. Its

4.      Richard: hello, are you Brian?
Brian : Yes, I am and what is your name?
Richard: Sorry, how do you …. that?

Brian : B-R-I-A-N.

a. spell x                            d. say

b. mention                         e. sound
c. state

5.      My brother is a university student. ...... name is carlos.

a. their                                  d. hers
b. her                                    e. his x

c. our
6.      Sheila: Hi, Bruno. Where … you work?
Bruno: Hello, Sheila. I work … Siloam Hospital.

a. do, at                                             d. do, on
b. do, in x                                          e. does, on

c. does, at

7.      A: What …. He do?
B: He goes to school everyday.

a. do

b. does x

c. is    d. are e. were

Doctor <> Hospital

Teacher <> ….

a. harbor
d. college

b. airport
e. school x

c. rail station

I have …. at 7.30 pm.

a. breakfast

b. lunch

      c. supper
      d. dinner x
      e. extra lunch

10.  A. What …. your father?
a. do                                     d. are

b. does                                  e. were
c. is x

11.  C: How …. is the cake?

C:  I mean the price of the cake.

W:   Oh, it is $ 10.
a. many                               d. much x
b. few                                  e. little

c. some

12.  There is no price tag. The underlined  words has a synonym meaning with ….

a. value x                                           d. gift
b. present                                           e. money
c. rewarding

13.  Much >< Little Expensive >< ….

a. more                                                d. too much
b. many                                               e. some
c. cheap x

14.  A: Excuse me, How much …. those orange?
B: Those are $5/kilo.

a. is                                       d. was
b. am                                    e. were
c. are x

15.  I like the wool one better. The italic  word is based word of ….
a. bad                                   d. than

b. worst                                e. good x
c. best

16.  Andrea: Hi Josh, how are you?

Josh : I’m fine. What about you?

Andrea: Well, I have two tickets music concert. Would you like to come with me?

Josh : I’m sorry, I … go with you because I have another job.
a. can                                   d. will
b. would                              e. never

c. can’t x

17.  A: How …. money do you have?

a. many                               d. much x
b. few                                  e. little

c. some

18.  Hi Brian, Who’s your favorite singer?

The underlined  word has synonym meaning with…
a. fancied x                       d. preference
b. best                                  e. possessive

c. goodness

19. Jane : Hi, Susan. Do play guitar?

Susan: Yes, I ….
a. do x                                 d. will

b. does                                 e. would
c. don’t

20.  A: Would you like to …. out on Saturday?

B: Of course.
a. gone                                                d. goes

b. went                                                e. going
c. go x

21. Brother >< Sister

Nephew >< ….
a. Mother                         d. Niece x

b. Daughter                      e. Son
c. Cousin

22.  I have two …, their names are Sheila and Steffany.

a. brothers                                         d. sons
b. sisters x                                         e. father

c. uncles

23.  Wife _ Wives
Child _ ….

a. Childs                           d. Childhood
b. Children x                    e. Childish

c. Childhoods

24.  Brian: Hello James. How many sister do you have?
James: I have ….. sister.

a. one x                                d. four
b. two                                  e. five

c. three

25.  David: is your father working at Kennedy Hospital?

Mike : No, My father …. Working at Kennedy Hospital but My father has been working …. a school.
a. isn’t, in x                     d. don’t, on

b. doesn’t, at                    e. doesn’t, on
c. isn’t, at

26. There are three famous athlete in My country. The underlined word has synonym meaning with …
a. kind                                 d. well-known x

b. wish                                 e. very well
c. goodness

27.  I have …. at 12.30 pm.

a. breakfast                       d. dinner
b. lunch x                          e. extra lunch

c. supper

28.  A: Do you like to play badminton?
B: No, I …. like to play badminton.

a. not                                    d. often
b. never      e. do not x         c. ever

29.  A: What time do you get up in the morning?
B:  I get up …. 5.30 every morning.

a. in                                      d. for
b. on                                     e. into

c. at x

30.  A: How well do you …. tennis?
B: Not very well, I think.

a. play x                                              d. playing
b. plays                                               e. player

c. played

31.  A: Where did you go on last holiday?
B: I went to Taz Mahal in …. on last holiday

a. China                                              d. Malaysia
b. Africa                                             e. India x

c. United Kingdom

32.  John: Hello Martin, where did you go on your free time?
Martin: Hi John, I …. go anywhere on my free time.

a. do                                     d. did not x
b. do not                               e. will not

c. did

33.  Jane: How was your holiday,  James?
James: It was great! I … to France with my family.

a. go                                     d. goes
b. went x                              e. gonna

c. gone

34.  A: Was each of the place good?
B: Of course, There … a restaurant that has very good food.

a. is                                       d. were
b. are                                    e. weren’t

c. was x

35.  A: What did you do last Saturday?
B:  I just …. at home and watched TV.

a. stay                                  d. stayed x
b. stays                                e. sayings

c. staying

36.  There are too much cars on the street. The underlined  word is false. So, it can be changed by

a. few         d. little
b. many x   e. a bit little
c. some

37. The sign on the left side is ..…
a. forbidden for bus to enter
b. forbidden to turn left
c. forbidden to take pictures x
d. no smoking Area
e. forbidden to use hand

38.  Street = Lane Train =

a. garage          d. stop
b. light             e. station x

c. space

39.  A: Excuse me, do you know where is the post office?
B: It is near from here, you can go to the next bus ….

a. station                                            d. light
b. stop x                                             e. stand

c. garage

40.  I … have much money. So, I can’t buy many things  on the grocery store.
a. don’t  x                                          d. had

b. didn’t                                             e. will not
c. will

41.  Mother: Lila, clean the floor up, please!!
Lila : Alright  mom, I will do … now.
a. it x                                   d. not

b. here                                 e. later
c. better

42.  A: would you mind to ….. The TV, please!
B: No, I wouldn’t.
a. turn off                                          d. turn round

b. turn out                                         e. turn over x
c. turn right

43.  I want to buy a radio, so I must go to ….
a. bicycle shop                                d. grocery store
b. coffee shop                 e. jewelry exhibition

c. electronic  shop x

A: Do you like to watch TV?

B: Yes, I …

a. dislike
d. have to

b. want
e. has to

c. do x

A: Would you mind
turning the stereo down?

B: No. I ….

a. do
d. don’t

b. will
e. wouldn’t  x

c. would

46.  Walkman : earphone

Computer : ……
a. remote                                            d. charger
b. ringing                                           e. keypad

c. monitor  x

47.  You can use a cell phone to …
a. store an encyclopedia
b. identify criminals
c. send text messages x
d. make travel reservations
e. perform dangerous tasks 

48.  A: would you mind to ….. The TV, please!
B: Yes, I would.

a. turn off  x                             d. turn round
b. turn out                                e. turn over
c. turn right

49.  I want to buy a radio, so I must go to ….
a. bicycle shop               d. grocery store

b. coffee shop                 e. jewelry exhibition
c. electronic  shop x

50.  Jennie: Hello Carla, what are you doing?
Carla : Hi, I am cooking some cookies.
Jennie: So, what is this …. for?
a. stove                             d. micro phone

b. frying pan                    e. microwave  x
c. radio

51.  Waiter : …. you decided on an appetizer yet?

Kathy : Yes, I’ll have a small order of the snails, please.
a. do                                     d. have x

b. did                                   e. has
c. had

52.  Jean : Hello Bryan, did you like to eat chicken?

Bryan: Hmmm, yes, I …. to eat chicken so much.
a. like                                   d. disliked

b. dislike                              e. unlike
c. liked x

53. Angela: Hi, Carlo. Do you know where is the food bulgogi from?
a. China                                              d. India

b. Japan                                              e. Korea x
c. America

54.  Breads : Baked

Rice : ……..
a. boiled                            d. roasted

b. barbeque                       e. baked
c. steamed x

55. A: Is Spaghetti an American food?

B: No, it is not. It is …….. food
a. Indonesian                   d. Indian

b. Italian x                       e. Korean
c. Japanese

56.  Mexican family offer food to the dead and the have a meal in cemetery is …. day.

a. labor                              d. Children’s
b. valentine                       e. The dead x

c. Chinese new year

57.  Labor Day is a day when ….
a.  People in many countries honor workers x

b.  Brazilians  celebrate Carnival
c.  People express their love to someone

d.  People sometimes  play tricks on friends
e.  Many young adults choose to get married

58.  There’s a big dinner, and after the food is served, the guests give speeches or …..

a. dancing                       d. shake hands
b. sing songs x                e. walking together

c. speech contest

59.  A: What Christmas  day is?
B:  It is a day when …… celebrate the day.

a. Buddhist                       d. Hinduism
b. Christianity x                             e. All people

c. Moslem

60.  A: What Lebaran day is?
B: It is a day when …… celebrate the day.

a. Buddhist                     d. Hinduism
b. Christianity                 e. All people

c. Moslem x


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