Jumat, 18 Agustus 2017


1. Nowadays computer is used for the following purposes, except ….
a. multimedia  
b. scientific processing
c. data processing           
d. none of the above

2. The most commonly used input device is ….
a. keyboard                                 
b. webcam  
c. joystick                                     
d. mouse

3. A house size computer is … computer.
a. the second generation
b. the first generation
c. the new generation
d. the third generation

 4. This is a picture of …. 
a. transistor
b. VLSI         
c. vacuum tube                        
d. IC

5. Information can be stores in a storing device such as ….
a. CD-ROM (optical disk)             
b. track ball                  
c. monitor                                      
d. printer 

Meeting 2
1. CPU stands for ….
a. Central Processed Unit
b. Central Processing Unit
c. Center Processing Unit
d. Central Processor Unit

2. In Apple computer, motherboard  is called ….
a. planar board                                
b. baseboard      
c. logic board                            
d. system board

3. Companies that produce processor are Intel, IBM, and ….
a. AMD
b. NIC               
c. ADM                                     
d. MAD

4. The Speed of a modem is measured by ….
a.  MHz
b. kbps               
c. GHz                                
d. All false
5. “This method is called wireless.” It means ….
a. with wire
b. without cable       
c. with cable                   
d. lack of wire

Meeting 3
1. The two major software are ….
a. application and system software
b. application and instructional software
c. system software and command
d. application software and processor
2. The term software was first used by … in 1958.
a. John W. Turkey
b. John W. Tukey    
c. John M. Tukey                   
d. Jack W. Tukey
3. An open source software means it is ….
a. freely modified                             
b. freely used            
c. prominent                        
d. freely redistributed
4. These are types of operating system available to users, except ….
a. Windows
b. GUIs     
c. Mac OS                                           
d. Linux
5. Word processor such as Microsoft Word 2007 and Open Office Writer are examples of ….
a. system software        
b. application software
c. office application
d. OS

Meeting 4
1. In programming process, the first step is ….
a. compilation                   
b. debugging       
c. writing a code                
d. binary file
2. The physical devices in a computer are ….
a. tools
b. hardware     
c. software                 
d. none of the above

3. A programmer must compile the source code by using ….
a. compiler   
b. transformer       
c. collector             
d. bugger
4. Acts of finding and fixing error code in all of the source code is called ….
a. debugging     
b. compiler            
c. bugging                            
d. decoding
5. The following is a programming language from Sun Microsystems.
a. Pascal
b. JAVA            
c. BASIC                   
d. Borland 
Meeting 5
1. One of these is not a malware.
a. worm
b. Logic bomb        
c. Trojan Horse                         
d. Win Vista
2. All of them can be identified by their ….
a. replication
b. identification         
c. multiplication                     
d. none of the above
3. By its way to infect other file, virus can be divided into … categories.
a. one
b. three                 
c. two                                              
d. four
4. The simplest and easiest way in creating virus is by using a tool called ….
a. virus generator   
b. virus instructor           
c. virus copier                 
d. virus emulator
5. … actually spreads through a network or the Internet using email.
a. worm  
b. Time Bomb             
c. Trojan Horse                        
d. Virus
Meeting 6
1. Which is an example of a pointing device?
a. joystick                                            
b. scanner                  
c. trackball                        
d. webcam
2. AZERTY keyboard layout is used in ….
a. France
b. both a and b   
c. Belgium              
d. All Europe
3. Computer speakers are commonly equipped with a low-power … amplifier.
a. internal    
b. visual                              
c. external                 
d. internal & external
4. The trackball was invented by ….
a. Tom Cruise                     
b. Tom Dooley         
c. Tom Cranston         
d. Tom Longstaff
5. Visual Display Unit is another term for ….
a. printer
b. monitor                
c. scanner                         
d. television 
Meeting 9
1. A NIC, …, and a hub are needed to create a basic network.
a. repeaters
b. socket                     
c. modulator                        
d. jack
2. The network allows computers to … with each other.
a. commune
b. coordinate      
c. collaborate              
d. communicate
3. NIC can be identified easily. It has a special port called ….
a. AJ-45                                              
b. RJ-54                     
c. RJ-45                           
d. AJ-54
4. Another term for NIC is ….
a. repeaters
b. network adapter    
c. adapter    
d. modem
5. What does ARPA stand for?
a. Advance Research Projects Agency
b. Advance Research Projects Affair
c. Advanced Research Projects Agency
d. Advanced Research Projects Affair

Meeting 10
Choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answer.
1. Steganography is the art and science of writing … messages.
a. readable
b. hidden                
c. computer                           
d. picture
2. Another secret coding technique besides steganography is ….
a. cryptonite
b. cryptography          
c. cryptic                     
d. steganalyst
3. Steganography comes from … language.
a. Greek              
b. Latin              
c. Greece                                  
d. French
4. Writing a hidden message can use an … ink.
a. invincible                                        
b. inevitable                     
c. invisible                 
d. indispensable              
5. This document can be used as a media in steganography, except ….
a. text file
b. mp3 or video file      
c. picture file  
d. none of the above

Meeting 11
Choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answer.
1. Nazi used a machine called … to encrypt and decrypt the messages.
a. Sigma
b. Enigma                    
c. Encarta                       
d. all false
2. A cryptographer is … who is master in cryptography.
a.  Something                    
b.  anything                            
c. someone                 
d. anyone
3. “Graphy” is a Greek word means….
a. spoken
b. written                     
c. uttered                      
d. hidden
4. Cryptography is needed to … a secret document.
a. secure  
b. keep                      
c. save                          
d. run
5. A secret text resulting from encryption process is called ….
a. plain text
b. cyber text                   
c. code text                  
d. cipher text

Meeting 12
Choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answer.
1. This component application allows people connected over the Internet to participate in discussions.
a. Telnet                                              
b. FTP                    
c. IRC                               
d. EDI
2. This website is owned by a nonprofit institution.
a. http://www.cars.com
b. http://www.car.org
c. http://www.carmagazine.co.uk
d. http://www.carzone.ie
3. This website is a government agency.
a. ocw.mit.edu
b. http://www.language-learning.net
c. training.fema.gov
d. http://www.carecourses.com
 4. The Netiquette number 4 states that “You shall not use a computer to ….”
a. steal    
b. hack                  
c. break               
d. deal
5. Recreational newsgroups start with .
a. alt
b. rec                        
c. soc                            
d. sci

Meeting 13
Choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answer.
1. The conventional mail is called ….
a. email                                
b. snake mail               
c. snail mail      
d. blackmail
2. An email message made up of ….
a. server  
b. header                         
c. message body                  
d. signature
3. Commercial offers sent to our email without our request is called ….
a. phishing
b. spam                           
c. worm                  
d. bomb
4. In message header, “To” is for the ….
a. recipient’s address   
b. sender’s address             
c. topic           
d. time
5.  It uses e-mail to duplicate themselves into vulnerable computers.
a. email bomb
b. phishing              
c. spam                           
d. email worm

Meeting 14
Choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answer.
1. The first actual Web search engine was developed by Matthew Gray in 1993 and was called ….
a. spandex
b. wandex                      
c. wantex                    
d. windex
2. Search engines powered by robots are called ….
a. creepy crawlers
b. aunts                               
c. bugs                
d. spiders
3. At present there are still text-based browsers like ….
a. Lynx 
b. spynx                        
c. sync                      
d. none of the above
4. The following are search engines, except ….
a. Win Vista      
b. MSN                        
c. Google                        
d. Excite
5. What does URL stand for?
a. Uniform Resource Location
b. United Resource Local
c. United Resource Locator
d. Uniform Resource Locator


1. Nowadays computer is used for the following purposes, except ….
a. multimedia                                                  c. data processing
b. scientific processing                                  d. none of the above
2. The most commonly used input device is ….
a. keyboard                                                    c. joystick
b. webcam                                                       d. mouse

3. A house size computer is … computer.
a. the second generation                                 c. the new generation
b. the first generation                                    d. the third generation

4. This is a picture of ….

a. transistor                                                    c. vacuum tube
b. VLSI                                                             d. IC

5. Information can be stores in a storing device such as ….
a. CD-ROM (optical disk)                            c. monitor
b. track ball                                                     d. printer
6. CPU stands for ….
a. Central Processed Unit                               c. Center Processing Unit
b. Central Processing Unit                           d. Central Processor Unit

7. In Apple computer, motherboard is called ....
a. planar board                                                c. logic board
b. baseboard                                                    d. system board

8. Companies that produce processor are Intel, IBM, and ….
a. AMD                                                          c. ADM
b. NIC                                                                         d. MAD
9. The Speed of a modem is measured by ….
a. MHz                                                                        c. GHz
b. kbps                                                            d. All false

10. “This method is called wireless.” It means ….
a. with wire                                                     c. with cable
b. without cable                                              d. lack of wire
11. The two major software are ….
a. application and system software
b. application and instructional software
c. system software and command
c. application software and processor
12. The term software was first used by … in 1958.
a. John W. Turkey                                           c. John M. Tukey
b. John W. Tukey                                         d. Jack W. Tukey

13. An open source software means it is ….
a. freely modified                                          c. prominent
b. freely used                                                  d. freely redistributed by anyone

14. These are types of operating system available to users, except ….
a. Windows                                                     c. Mac OS
b. GUIs                                                           d. Linux

15. Word processor such as Microsoft Word 2007 and Open Office Writer are examples of ….
a. system software                                          c. office application
b. application software                                 d. OS

16. In programming process, the first step is ….
a. compilation                                                  c. writing a code
b. debugging                                                   d. binary file

17. The physical devices in a computer are ….
a. tools                                                             c. software
b. hardware                                                   d. none of the above
18. A programmer must compile the source code by using ….
a. compiler                                                     c. collector
b. transformer                                                  d. bugger

19. Acts of finding and fixing error code in all of the source code is called ….
a. debugging                                                  c. bugging
b. compiler                                                      d. decoding
20. The following is a programming language from Sun Microsystems.
a. Pascal                                                          c. BASIC
b. JAVA                                                         d. Borland
21. One of these is not a malware.
a. worm                                                           c. Trojan Horse
b. Logic bomb                                                 d. Win Vista

22. All of them can be identified by their ….
a. replication                                                    c. multiplication
b. identification                                               d. none of the above
23. By its way to infect other file, virus can be divided into … categories.
a. one                                                               c. two
b. three                                                            d. four

24. The simplest and easiest way in creating virus is by using a tool called ….
a. virus generator                                          c. virus copier
b. virus instructor                                            d. virus emulator
25. … actually spreads through a network or the Internet using email.
a. worm                                                          c. Trojan Horse
b. Time Bomb                                     d. Virus
26. Which is an example of a pointing device?
a. joystick                                                        c. trackball
b. scanner                                                        d. webcam

27. AZERTY keyboard layout is used in ….
a. France                                                        c. Belgium
b. both a and b                                                d. All Europe
28. Computer speakers are commonly equipped with a low-power … amplifier.
a. internal                                                       c. external
b. visual                                                           d. internal & external

29. The trackball was invented by ….
a. Tom Cruise                                      c. Tom Cranston
b. Tom Dooley                                                d. Tom Longstaff
30. Visual Display Unit is another term for ….
a. printer                                                          c. scanner
b. monitor                                                      d. television
31. When was the first use of the word “computer” recorded?
a. 1613                                                            c. 1913
b. 1316                                                            d. 1916

32. The computer component which is capable of performing arithmetic and logic operations is…
a. Control Unit                                                c. Input/output
b. Memory                                                       d. ALU

33. Below are some input devices, except…
a. Plotter                                                         c. Touch pad
b. Light pen                                                     d. Scanner

34. Below are some output devices, except…
a. Joystick                                                      c. LCD
b. CRT                                                            d. Speech synthesiser

35. Below are some storage devices, except…
a. Hard disk drive                                           c. Flash disk
b. Speaker                                                      d. Floppy disk drive

36. A kilobyte consists of…
a. 1024 bytes                                      c. 1024 bits
b. 1000 bytes                                       d. 1000 bits

37. These are some operating systems, except…
a. Windows                                                     c. Mac OS
b. Linux                                                           d. Microsoft Office

38. These are some categories of malware, except…
a. Prepending                                    c. Worm
b. Trojan horse                                    d. Logic bomb

39. A virus that inserts a copy of its malicious code at the end of the file is…
a. Appending                                     c. Prepending
b. Overwriting                                     d. Trojan Horse

40. A pointing device is also called as…
a. Printer                                                          c. RAM
b. Plotter                                                         d. Mouse

Soal Latihan UTS English 2
Meeting 1
Choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answer.
1. Nowadays computer is used for the following purposes, except ….
a. multimedia
b. scientific processing
c. data processing
d. none of the above

2. The most commonly used input device is ….
a. keyboard
b. webcam
c. joystick
d. mouse

3. A house size computer is … computer.
a. the second generation
b. the first generation
c. the new generation
d. the third generation

4. This is a picture of ….
a. transistor
c. vacuum tube
d. IC

5. Information can be stores in a storing device such as ….
a. CD-ROM (optical disk)
b. track ball
c. monitor
d. printer

Meeting 2
Choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answer.
1. CPU stands for ….
a. Central Processed Unit
b. Central Processing Unit
c. Center Processing Unit
d. Central Processor Unit

2. In Apple computer, motherboard  is called ….
a. planar board
b. baseboard
c. logic board
d. system board

3. Companies that produce processor are Intel, IBM, and ….
a. AMD 
b. NIC
c. ADM
d. MAD
4. The Speed of a modem is measured by ….
a.  MHz
b. kbps 
c. GHz
d. All false

5. “This method is called wireless.” It means ….
a. with wire
b. without cable       
c. with cable        
d. lack of wire

Meeting 3
Choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answer.
1. The two major software are ….
a. application and system software
b. application and instructional software
c. system software and command
d. application software and processor
 2. The term software was first used by … in 1958.
a. John W. Turkey
b. John W. Tukey
c. John M. Tukey
d. Jack W. Tukey

3. An open source software means it is ….
a. freely modified
b. freely used
c. prominent
d. freely redistributed
4. These are types of operating system available to users, except ….
a. Windows
b. GUIs 
c. Mac OS
d. Linux

5. Word processor such as Microsoft Word 2007 and Open Office Writer are examples of ….
a. system software
b. application software
c. office application
d. OS
 Meeting 4
Choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answer
1. In programming process, the first step is ….
a. compilation
b. debugging
c. writing a code
d. binary file

2. The physical devices in a computer are ….
a. tools
b. hardware
c. software
d. none of the above

3. A programmer must compile the source code by using ….
a. compiler
b. transformer
c. collector
d. bugger

4. Acts of finding and fixing error code in all of the source code is called ….
a. debugging      
b. compiler
c. bugging
d. decoding
 5. The following is a programming language from Sun Microsystems.
a. Pascal
b. JAVA            
c. BASIC    
d. Borland

Meeting 5
Choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answer.
1. One of these is not a malware.
a. worm
b. Logic bomb
c. Trojan Horse
d. Win Vista

2. All of them can be identified by their ….
a. replication
b. identification
c. multiplication
d. none of the above

3. By its way to infect other file, virus can be divided into … categories.
a. one
b. three                 
c. two               
d. four

4. The simplest and easiest way in creating virus is by using a tool called ….
a. virus generator
b. virus instructor
c. virus copier
d. virus emulator

5. … actually spreads through a network or the Internet using email.
a. worm
b. Time Bomb
c. Trojan Horse
d. Virus

Meeting 6
Choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answer.
1. Which is an example of a pointing device?
a. joystick
b. scanner
c. trackball
d. webcam

2. AZERTY keyboard layout is used in ….
a. France
b. both a and b
c. Belgium
d. All Europe

3. Computer speakers are commonly equipped with a low-power … amplifier.
a. internal
b. visual
c. external
d. internal & external
 4. The trackball was invented by ….
a. Tom Cruise
b. Tom Dooley
c. Tom Cranston
d. Tom Longstaff
 5. Visual Display Unit is another term for ….
a. printer
b. monitor
c. scanner
d. television

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